Course 8: Data Structure

  1. Linear data structure
    1. Queue: O(1) push, O(1) pop, O(1) top
    2. Stack: O(1) push, O(1) pop, O(1) top
    3. Hash: O(1) insert, O(1) delete, O(1) find;
      1. Open hash (array of linked list), closed hash (next array element, do not support delete);
      2. Rehash;
      3. HashTable vs. HashSet vs. HashMap
  2. Tree data structure
    1. Heap: O(logN) add, O(logN) remove, O(1) min/max
    2. Trie


  1. Min-stack
  2. Implement a queue by two stacks O(1)
  3. Largest rectangle in histogram (very good analysis) (code 好的一点是在stack里事先加个-1,可以避开最左边的特殊情况)(pop时处理可以不用左右各走一遍)
  4. Max tree (same with largest rectangle): 找每个点的父亲,找左右两边第一个比它大的,两者相比小的那个是父亲
  5. LRU Cache (LFU Cache)
  6. Longest consecutive sequence
  7. Subarry sum
  8. Anagrams
  9. Find Median from data stream (heap)
  10. Word search II (trie)